Specialty Coffee

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing, elit pretium vestibulum odio gravida, neque porta cubilia nascetur magna. Auctor laoreet tellus commodo etiam lectus dui habitasse aptent tempor, sociis sociosqu egestas platea fringilla neque facilisi nisi, sodales pellentesque consequat quisque ornare nam blandit at.

Ultricies varius est feugiat iaculis fringilla nascetur vivamus gravida libero sapien, blandit cum hac ante eros lobortis hendrerit sollicitudin magna, risus augue congue at egestas conubia pulvinar posuere aenean.


Commercial Coffee

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing, elit pretium vestibulum odio gravida, neque porta cubilia nascetur magna. Auctor laoreet tellus commodo etiam lectus dui habitasse aptent tempor, sociis sociosqu egestas platea fringilla neque facilisi nisi, sodales pellentesque consequat quisque ornare nam blandit at.

Ultricies varius est feugiat iaculis fringilla nascetur vivamus gravida libero sapien, blandit cum hac ante eros lobortis hendrerit sollicitudin magna, risus augue congue at egestas conubia pulvinar posuere aenean.


We provide 3 processing options

Full washed

We do fully-washed with dry hulled method. We keep the cherry skin for the first 12 hours in fermentation stage before washing the parchment, and this enhances its body and sweetness.


We do fully-washed with dry hulled method. We keep the cherry skin for the first 12 hours in fermentation stage before washing the parchment, and this enhances its body and sweetness.


We do fully-washed with dry hulled method. We keep the cherry skin for the first 12 hours in fermentation stage before washing the parchment, and this enhances its body and sweetness.


We do fully-washed with dry hulled method. We keep the cherry skin for the first 12 hours in fermentation stage before washing the parchment, and this enhances its body and sweetness.

Any question?

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